Somatic Transformation Group for Chronic Illness & Pain
Have health issues limited your life or career opportunities?
Have you lost your sense of meaning, purpose, or direction?
Do you feel isolated or disconnected from loved ones or community?
Does your chronic illness or physical pain make you afraid or hopeless about your life?
When your friends and family want to help, does it sometimes feel like things get harder or require more energy from you (not less)?
Do you wish someone could really see what you’re going through?
Do you wonder if you’re broken or question your worthiness because of your chronic illness/pain?

If so, I can relate. I’ve been managing chronic illness and pain for almost a decade. I know personally about the impacts on your financial life, the time spent advocating or paying for healthcare, the descent into feeling broken or less than as a sick person, isolation due to symptoms keeping you at home, loss of capacity to be creative, adaptable or resilient, and both grief about what life is no longer and fear about an uncertain future.
I can’t promise to make your illness or pain go away in my groups. But I can promise to teach you the profound somatic practices that have made an enormous difference in how I experience, manage, and live with illness and pain.
Becoming connected to my body through these somatic practices has brought more joy, aliveness, and resilience, even and especially, during flare ups in my symptoms. Living with chronic illness and pain still isn't easy, but these practices I share in my Somatics group for chronic illness and pain, make it possible to feel meaning, purpose, hope, creativity, and joy again.
In this intimate Somatic Transformation group, you will:
Learn about your automatic reactions to the stressors of chronic illness/pain
Develop news skills and somatic skillfulness for responding to your symptoms
Learning what “connecting with your body” even means, and all the ways this can alleviate or reduce painful symptoms
Learn to work with your feelings of fear, grief, anger, hopelessness and worthlessness through somatic practices
Practice new ways to communicate your needs and your boundaries based on your capacity in a given moment
Develop the ability to receive care from others when you need it
Build community with others who are dealing with chronic illness/pain, and can see you and understand your experience
Experience new levels of purpose, meaning and hope, as you learn to cope better with your physical symptoms and become more resilient by having others transforming alongside you
Course Modules highlight:
Centering and Opening: Build community with others living with chronic illness/pain and learn practices to gently connect with your body.
Aliveness and Purpose: How to discover and connect with your aliveness and purpose even with chronic illness/pain
Purpose and Extension: Moving from Isolation to Connection: Learn new skills for connection with your body and others
Build Resilience: Practice experiencing aliveness, joy and openness, even amidst symptoms
Boundaries and Requests: Get clear on the boundaries you need to take care of your health, the kind of support you want from others, and then learn how to ask others for care and support.
Receiving Care: Build your capacity to receive care and support from others
The Ways We React: Explore some common reactions to the stress of illness/pain and develop new somatic strategies to transform those reactions.
Emotional Reckoning and Light: Explore the big emotions that come up in the midst of chronic illness/pain and learn to resource yourself during difficult moments.